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Scrolling Down Through Numerical Accumulative Fragments

2020 | On-going Project

Interactive Performance, text, video

Fragmentation is the process of breaking into many pieces or separate parts

Fragmentation occurs on a hard drive, a memory module, or other media when data is stored in non-contiguous areas and not written closely enough physically on the drive. Those fragmented, individual pieces of data are referred to generally as fragments causing extra head movement, slowing disk accesses.”

As the written history goes on as time goes, what will students study in schools in the next century? What parts of our history did our institutionalized education skip in favor of a more linear-comprehensive history book? Why are most of the current pop films produced in the new millennium fast-paced film? Why are we suffering from scrolling down endlessly in social media? What kind of knowledge is produced by seeking tertiary sources? What if our brain functions similarly to hard drives? And finally, what kind of knowledge we construct and identity we have upon this fragmented knowledge? 

Acceleration and accumulation are two prominent features in the modern urban digitalized world. It is the core of contemporary evolution.

Installation shot of the sitting
Writing the text
Final Text (the second performance)
Final Text (the first performance)
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