Streams Of Fragments
2023/In Progress
Essay Film, 20 mins
The filmmaker tells his thoughts on the relation between the meaning surplus of language and the human feeling of estrangement. He tries to write and shoot a fictional movie while a stream of fragmented thoughts keeps interrupting him while writing and producing the film. His thoughts are reflections and questions on the current state of the world and human condition as well as on some issues relevant to the art world such as the authority struggle between image and text, marginalization in cinema, the power dynamic between the art institution and the artist institution, and how can the artist de-represent his/her subject.
His film starts with a T.V host announces a breaking news to the public audience about the publishing of the latest research by the scientist philosopher Abd El-Fatah Kant on the actuality of time travel, and his communication with extraterrestrial Sufi time travelers called the futurists. The futurists follow El-Sheikh Zamen, the cosmic guardian of chaos and time traveling who sent them to earth in Universe 100367 to rearrange and manipulate some events that resemble similar events in Universe 452 because the cosmic order would collapse if two or more universes have the same course of events.
El-Sheikh Zamen and the futurists arrive on the earth in Universe 100367, and the futurists meet their terrestrial Sufi guide, Saad, and his cat, Mosaad. Saad is a film enthusiast; therefore, he asked the futurists to film their sun boat and become obsessed in filming the futurists during their stay in Alexandria while he transports the futurist and assists them to accomplish their mission. The time-travelers accomplish the mission successfully, but shockingly, they lose their way back to get stuck in "universe 100367", while it appears that Mosaad, the cat, is not just a cat.